About the Library
제 4유형 : 출처표시 + 상업적 이용금지 + 변경금지
The National Library of Korea (NLK) held the "Regional Materials Collection Council Inauguration Ceremony" on April 26th (Friday) at the conference room at the 6th floor of the main building. The "Regional Materials Collection Council" is a collaborative body for collecting regional and local materials through cooperation between the National Library of Korea and 17 regional representative libraries. The ceremony began with attendees introducing their respective organizations and roles, followed by brief remarks. Then, Choi Yoo-jin, Director of the Knowledge Information Management Department of the NLK, delivered a welcoming speech. The event continued with a presentation by Park Eun-ju, librarian of the Online Materials Division, on the "Current Status of Cooperation and the Council’s Operational Plans," followed by a discussion on "Council’s Direction and Cooperation Plans."
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