Collection Development Guidelines by Type of Resource
3. Collection Development Guidelines by Type of Resource
1-1 Basic Guidelines

Collecting levels is a concept that considers the intensity and depth of current levels of collection together with the volition and plans for future collection and preservation. A collecting level is expressed as a numbered level after the volume and quality of the collection has been scrutinized and evaluated, typically based on the conspectus method.

Collecting levels are commonly applied to all collections in any subject area, and reflect in a timely fashion technological changes in digital information that related to all physical collections, commercial databases, and online information resources provided by the Library.

1-2 Collecting Levels

Collecting levels is a concept that considers the intensity and depth of current levels of collection together with the volition and plans for future collection and preservation. A collecting level is expressed as a numbered level after the volume and quality of the collection has been scrutinized and evaluated, typically based on the conspectus method.

Level 1 (Minimal)

Resources that are not considered basic resources (such as monographs and reference resources) are not collected. Level 1 collections, similar to basic information level collections, require frequent and systematic evaluation in order to maintain an up-to-date agglomeration of information. Resources that contain outdated information and previously-replaced resources should be removed.

Level 2 (Basic Information)

This level refers to the selective collecting of resources that offer or define general outlines and introductory knowledge on specific subjects. Targeted resources include dictionaries, manuals, bibliography databases, main resources, historical investigation resources, and major periodical publications. In order to maintain an up-to-date collection of information, collections must be frequently and systematically evaluated.

Level 3 (Study or Instructional Support)

This level refers to the collecting of resources with the aim of systematically compounding and maintaining knowledge in specific subject areas. Targeted resources include a wide range of essential texts, important ancient publications, complete collections of the works of major authors and partial works of selected authors, representative academic journals, relevant data files, reference books, and basic bibliographies. While collections at this level are appropriate for supporting college-level and higher education and satisfying the bulk of academic demands from the public and from special library users, they require systematic evaluation in order to maintain an up-to-date base of information.

Level 4 (Research)

This level refers to the collecting of major resources such as research papers necessary for doctoral and independent studies, resources pertaining to new discoveries, results of scientific experimentation, and other information. Targeted resources include academic journals, major journals of indexes and abstracts, key reference books, a wide range of academic books, and major electronic resources. Resources necessary for historical studies need to be adequately preserved, even if the resource involved is antiquated.

Level 5 (Comprehensive)

This level refers to comprehensive collecting in a specific subject area regardless of the language, format, and date of publication of the resource. Collecting on this level aims to maintain and provide specialized collections in a particular subject. Therefore, resources for historical studies need to be aggressively preserved, even if they are antiquated. When the Library assigns one of the five Collecting Levels, the standards for the formats and characteristics of the resources in each subject are determined based on


Criteria for NLK Collecting Levels Based on the Format and Characteristics
Criteria for NLK Collecting Levels Based on the Format and Characteristics
Formats / char acteristics Level 1 (Minimal) Level 2 (Basic Information) Level 3 (Study or Instructional Support) Level 4 (Research) Level 5 (Comprehensive)
Academic Level High School Community College Undergraduate/ Graduate Doctoral Research Post-doctoral Research
Overall Purpose Minimal: Relative Collecting To Introduce and Define Subjects To Satisfy Public Demand To Support Doctoral and Advanced Research Comprehensive Collecting
General Books Highly Limited Collecting Limited Collecting Considerable Collecting Extensive Collecting -
Academic Books N/A N/A Selective Collecting - -
General Magazines Limited Collecting of Representative Magazines Considerable Collecting
Academic Journals N/A Major Academic Journals
Reference Resources Minimal Limited Collecting: Literature Introduction Level Considerable Collecting
Electronic Resources Collecting of Noncommercial Resources Selective Collecting of Resources from Commercial or Free Networks Wide-ranging Approach to Commercial and Online Resources
Duplicates N/A N/A N/A Minimal Collecting Extensive Collecting
Language(s) Korean Korean, Chinese, Japanese, English Korean, Chinese, Japanese, English, and more Considerable Collecting
Preservation Level To be Discarded of When Invalid Partial Discard and Repairs Retention and Archiving of Intellectual Content Retention and Preservation of Original Formats Retention and Preservation of Original Formats
Percentage of New Publications Under 5% 5% to Under 10% 10% to Under 25% 25% to Under 75% 75% to 100%

The Library’s mid- to long-term collecting levels are assigned to each subject (field) of the ten main KDC classes as listed in

. The collecting levels of the subordinate subjects within each main class are detailed in the developmental guidelines for each subject.

NLK Collecting Levels by Subject and Medium
NLK Collecting Levels by Subject and Medium
Subjects Analogue
Foreign Digital Domestic
On-line Foreign Off-line On-line
General Class 5 3 5 3 3 3
Philosophy 5 4 5 3 4 3
Religion 5 3 5 3 4 3
Social Sciences 5 4 5 3 4 3
Natural Sciences 5 4 5 3 4 3
Technology 5 4 5 3 4 3
Arts 5 4 5 3 4 3
Language 5 4 5 3 4 3
Literature 5 4 5 3 4 3
History 5 4 5 3 4 3

* 1: Minimal, 2: Basic Information, 3: Study or Instructional Support, 4: Research, 5: Comprehensive

Formats / char acteristics01 Academic Level
Criteria for NLK Collecting Levels Based on the Format and Characteristics
Level 1 (Minimal) High School
Level 2 (Basic Information) Community College
Level 3 (Study or Instructional Support) Undergraduate/ Graduate
Level 4 (Research) Doctoral Research
Level 5 (Comprehensive) Post-doctoral Research
Formats / char acteristics02 Overall Purpose
Criteria for NLK Collecting Levels Based on the Format and Characteristics
Level 1 (Minimal) Minimal: Relative Collecting
Level 2 (Basic Information) To Introduce and Define Subjects
Level 3 (Study or Instructional Support) To Satisfy Public Demand
Level 4 (Research) To Support Doctoral and Advanced Research
Level 5 (Comprehensive) Comprehensive Collecting
Formats / char acteristics03 General Books
Criteria for NLK Collecting Levels Based on the Format and Characteristics
Level 1 (Minimal) Highly Limited Collecting
Level 2 (Basic Information) Limited Collecting
Level 3 (Study or Instructional Support) Considerable Collecting
Level 4 (Research) Extensive Collecting
Level 5 (Comprehensive) -
Formats / char acteristics04 Academic Books
Criteria for NLK Collecting Levels Based on the Format and Characteristics
Level 1 (Minimal) N/A
Level 2 (Basic Information) N/A
Level 3 (Study or Instructional Support) Selective Collecting
Level 4 (Research) -
Level 5 (Comprehensive) -
Formats / char acteristics05 General Magazines
Criteria for NLK Collecting Levels Based on the Format and Characteristics
Level 1 (Minimal)
Level 2 (Basic Information) Limited Collecting of Representative Magazines
Level 3 (Study or Instructional Support) Considerable Collecting
Level 4 (Research)
Level 5 (Comprehensive)
Formats / char acteristics06 Academic Journals
Criteria for NLK Collecting Levels Based on the Format and Characteristics
Level 1 (Minimal)
Level 2 (Basic Information) N/A
Level 3 (Study or Instructional Support) Major Academic Journals
Level 4 (Research)
Level 5 (Comprehensive)
Formats / char acteristics07 Reference Resources
Criteria for NLK Collecting Levels Based on the Format and Characteristics
Level 1 (Minimal) Minimal
Level 2 (Basic Information) Limited Collecting: Literature Introduction Level
Level 3 (Study or Instructional Support) Considerable Collecting
Level 4 (Research)
Level 5 (Comprehensive)
Formats / char acteristics08 Electronic Resources
Criteria for NLK Collecting Levels Based on the Format and Characteristics
Level 1 (Minimal) Collecting of Noncommercial Resources
Level 2 (Basic Information) Selective Collecting of Resources from Commercial or Free Networks
Level 3 (Study or Instructional Support) Wide-ranging Approach to Commercial and Online Resources
Level 4 (Research)
Level 5 (Comprehensive)
Formats / char acteristics09 Duplicates
Criteria for NLK Collecting Levels Based on the Format and Characteristics
Level 1 (Minimal) N/A
Level 2 (Basic Information) N/A
Level 3 (Study or Instructional Support) N/A
Level 4 (Research) Minimal Collecting
Level 5 (Comprehensive) Extensive Collecting
Formats / char acteristics10 Language(s)
Criteria for NLK Collecting Levels Based on the Format and Characteristics
Level 1 (Minimal) Korean
Level 2 (Basic Information) Korean, Chinese, Japanese, English
Level 3 (Study or Instructional Support) Korean, Chinese, Japanese, English, and more
Level 4 (Research) Considerable Collecting
Level 5 (Comprehensive)
Formats / char acteristics11 Preservation Level
Criteria for NLK Collecting Levels Based on the Format and Characteristics
Level 1 (Minimal) To be Discarded of When Invalid
Level 2 (Basic Information) Partial Discard and Repairs
Level 3 (Study or Instructional Support) Retention and Archiving of Intellectual Content
Level 4 (Research) Retention and Preservation of Original Formats
Level 5 (Comprehensive) Retention and Preservation of Original Formats
Formats / char acteristics12 Percentage of New Publications
Criteria for NLK Collecting Levels Based on the Format and Characteristics
Level 1 (Minimal) Under 5%
Level 2 (Basic Information) 5% to Under 10%
Level 3 (Study or Instructional Support) 10% to Under 25%
Level 4 (Research) 25% to Under 75%
Level 5 (Comprehensive) 75% to 100%
NLK Collecting Levels by Subject and Medium

* 1: Minimal, 2: Basic Information, 3: Study or Instructional Support, 4: Research, 5: Comprehensive

Subjects01 General Class
NLK Collecting Levels by Subject and Medium
Analogue Domestic 5
Foreign 3
Digital Domestic Off-line 5
On-line 3
Foreign Off-line 3
On-line 3
Subjects02 Philosophy
NLK Collecting Levels by Subject and Medium
Analogue Domestic 5
Foreign 4
Digital Domestic Off-line 5
On-line 3
Foreign Off-line 4
On-line 3
Subjects03 Religion
NLK Collecting Levels by Subject and Medium
Analogue Domestic 5
Foreign 3
Digital Domestic Off-line 5
On-line 3
Foreign Off-line 4
On-line 3
Subjects04 Social Sciences
NLK Collecting Levels by Subject and Medium
Analogue Domestic 5
Foreign 4
Digital Domestic Off-line 5
On-line 3
Foreign Off-line 4
On-line 3
Subjects05 Natural Sciences
NLK Collecting Levels by Subject and Medium
Analogue Domestic 5
Foreign 4
Digital Domestic Off-line 5
On-line 3
Foreign Off-line 4
On-line 3
Subjects06 Technology
NLK Collecting Levels by Subject and Medium
Analogue Domestic 5
Foreign 4
Digital Domestic Off-line 5
On-line 3
Foreign Off-line 4
On-line 3
Subjects07 Arts
NLK Collecting Levels by Subject and Medium
Analogue Domestic 5
Foreign 4
Digital Domestic Off-line 5
On-line 3
Foreign Off-line 4
On-line 3
Subjects08 Language
NLK Collecting Levels by Subject and Medium
Analogue Domestic 5
Foreign 4
Digital Domestic Off-line 5
On-line 3
Foreign Off-line 4
On-line 3
Subjects09 Literature
NLK Collecting Levels by Subject and Medium
Analogue Domestic 5
Foreign 4
Digital Domestic Off-line 5
On-line 3
Foreign Off-line 4
On-line 3
Subjects10 History
NLK Collecting Levels by Subject and Medium
Analogue Domestic 5
Foreign 4
Digital Domestic Off-line 5
On-line 3
Foreign Off-line 4
On-line 3