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전체 | (제목 or 저자: 국내) | 67345 |
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비치희망자료 신청
신청확인 바로가기1. 신청자료 수: 1인 월 5책 이내(예산범위 내)
※ 외국도서 신청자료 수 상한 기준: 연 20책 이내(2020년 5월부터 시행)
2. 처리기간: 신청접수 후 우선처리(납본 지체, 외국자료 입수처리 등으로 2개월 이상 소요될 수 있음)
3. 신청제한자료
• 국립중앙도서관 소장 자료
• 문제집 및 수험서, 초·중·고 학습 참고서, 강의‧교재용 자료
• 무협·판타지·애정 소설, 게임·만화 등 각종 오락용 자료
• 종교 교리서, 특정 종교 선전 도서
• 50쪽 미만 또는 내용이 거의 없는 자료, 낱장제본 도서 등 일반적인 자료의 형태(구성요소)를 갖추고 있지 않은 자료(홍보물, 복사본, 제본자료 등)
• 품절 또는 절판 자료, 비매품, 전집
• ISBN 정보 또는 출판정보가 부정확한 자료, 미발행(출판 미확인 또는 출판 예정) 도서, 신청자 본인의 개인 저작물
• 신청일 기준 출판한 지 5년이 경과 된 외국 도서 또는 외국에서 발행된 비도서
• 외국에서 발행된 전자책(E-book), 전자출판물(PDF 등), 연속간행물(신문, 잡지 등)
• 가격이 현저하게 고가이거나 가격 확정이 객관적이지 않은 자료
• 「국립중앙도서관 장서개발지침」에 따라 도서관 자료로 적합하지 않은 자료
4. 외국도서(동양서/서양서) 신청 시 유의사항
• 교양, 학습 및 연구 등의 목적으로 이용을 원하는 자료 신청
• 신청자료 수 상한 기준: 연 20책 이내(2020년 5월부터 시행)
• 신청 제한대상
- 이용증 미발급자(홈페이지 회원가입만 한 이용자)
- 최근 신청한 비치희망 자료의 대출 이력이 없는 이용자(최초 신청자는 예외)
- 교양, 학습 및 연구 목적이 아닌 상업적 목적으로 신청하는 자
※ 신청자 본인의 개인 저작물(POD 포함)을 신청하는 경우
• 고가의 자료 등은 도서관 내부 심의 후 구입 결정>
• 매년 10월 말 신청 마감: 마감일 이후 신청 자료는 다음 해에 구입 예정
5. 신청방법 : 로그인 → 신청·참여 → 비치희망도서 → 자료검색하기(신청도서 소장여부 검색) → '비치 희망도서 신청' 클릭
6. 신청 및 처리결과 보기 : 내서재 → 자료 신청내역 → 비치희망도서
· 국립중앙도서관 소장자료를 저자별로 검색할 수 있습니다.
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- 총류
- 철학
- 종교
- 사회과학
- 자연과학
- 기술과학
- 예술
- 언어
- 문학
- 역사
- Computer science, information, general works
- Computer science, information, general works
- Bibliography
- Bibliography
- Bibliographies and catalogs
- Bibliographies and catalogs of individuals
- Bibliographies and catalogs of anonymous and pseudonymous works
- Bibliographies and catalogs of works from specific places
- Bibliographies and catalogs of works on specific subjects
- General bibliographies and catalogs of works held in specific collections or offered for sale
- Library & information sciences
- Library & information sciences
- Relationships of libraries, archives, information centers
- Administration of physical plant
- Personnel management (Human resource management)
- Operations of libraries, archives, information centers
- Libraries, archives, information centers devoted to specific subjects
- General libraries, archives, information centers
- Reading and use of other information media
- General encyclopedic works
- General encyclopedic works
- General encyclopedic works in American English
- General encyclopedic works in English
- General encyclopedic works in other Germanic languages
- General encyclopedic works in French, Occitan, Catalan
- General encyclopedic works in Italian, Dalmatian, Romanian, Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican
- General encyclopedic works in Spanish, Portuguese, Galician
- General encyclopedic works in Slavic languages
- General encyclopedic works in Scandinavian languages
- General encyclopedic works in other languages
- General serial publications
- General serial publications
- General serial publications in American English
- General serial publications in English
- General serial publications in other Germanic languages
- General serial publications in French, Occitan, Catalan
- General serial publications in Italian, Dalmatian, Romanian, Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican
- General serial publications in Spanish, Portuguese, Galician
- General serial publications in Slavic languages
- General serial publications in Scandinavian languages
- General serial publications in other languages
- General organizations and museology
- General organizations and museology
- General organizations in North America
- General organizations in British Isles
- General organizations in Germany and neighboring central European countries
- General organizations in France and Monaco
- General organizations in Italy, San Marino, Vatican City, Malta
- General organizations in Spain, Andorra, Gibraltar, Portugal
- General organizations in Russia and neighboring east European countries
- General organizations in other geographic areas
- Museology(Museum science)
- Documentary media, educational media, news media; journalism; publishing
- Documentary media, educational media, news media; journalism; publishing
- Journalism and newspapers in North America
- Journalism and newspapers in British Isles
- Journalism and newspapers in Germany and neighboring central European countries
- Journalism and newspapers in France and Monaco
- Journalism and newspapers in Italy, San Marino, Vatican City, Malta
- Journalism and newspapers in Spain, Andorra, Gibraltar, Portugal
- Journalism and newspapers in Russia and neighboring east European countries
- Journalism and newspapers in Scandinavia
- Journalism and newspapers in other geographic areas
- General collections
- General collections
- General collections in American English
- General collections in English
- General collections in other Germanic languages
- General collections in French, Occitan, Catalan
- General collections in Italian, Dalmatian, Romanian, Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican
- General collections in Spanish, Portuguese, Galician
- General collections in Slavic languages
- General collections in Scandinavian languages
- General collections in other languages
- Manuscripts, rare books, other rare printed materials
- Philosophy, parapsychology and occultism, psychology
- Philosophy, parapsychology and occultism, psychology
- Philosophy, parapsychology and occultism, psychology
- Theory of philosophy
- Miscellany of philosophy
- Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances of philosophy
- Serial publications of philosophy
- Organizations and management of philosophy
- Education, research, related topics of philosophy
- Groups of people
- History and collected biography
- Metaphysics
- Epistemology, causation, humankind
- Parapsychology and occultism
- Specific philosophical schools and viewpoints
- Specific philosophical schools and viewpoints
- Idealism and related systems and doctrines
- Critical philosophy
- Bergsomism and intuitionism
- Humanism and related systems and doctrines
- Sensationalism
- Naturalism and related systems and doctrines
- Pantheism and related systems and doctrines
- Dogmatism, eclecticism, liberalism, syncretism, traditionalism
- Other philosophical systems and doctrines
- Psychology
- Philosophical logic
- Ethics (Moral philosophy)
- Ancient, medieval, eastern philosophy
- Modern western and other noneastern philosophy
- Modern western and other noneastern philosophy
- Philosophy of United States and Canada
- Philosophy of British Isles
- Philosophy of Germany and Austria
- Philosophy of France
- Philosophy of Italy
- Philosophy of Spain and Portugal
- Philosophy of Russia
- Philosophy of Scandinavia and Finland
- Philosophy in other geographic areas
- Philosophy, parapsychology and occultism, psychology
- Religion
- Religion
- Religion
- Religious mythology, general classes of religion, interreligious relations and attitudes, social theology
- Doctrines
- Public worship and other practices
- Religious experience, life, practice
- Religious ethics
- Leaders and organization
- Missions and religious education
- Sources
- Sects and reform movements
- Philosophy and theory of religion
- Bible
- Christianity
- Christian moral and devotional theology
- Local Christian church and Christian religious orders
- Christian social and ecclesiastical theology
- History, geographic treatment, biography of Christianity
- History, geographic treatment, biography of Christianity
- Religious congregations and orders in church history
- Persecutions in general church history
- Doctrinal controversies and heresies in general church history
- Christianity in Europe
- Christianity in Asia
- Christianity in Africa
- Christianity in North America
- Christianity in South America
- Christianity in Australasia, Pacific Ocean islands, Atlantic Ocean islands, Arctic islands, Antarctica
- Denominations and sects of Christian church
- Denominations and sects of Christian church
- Early church and Eastern churches
- Roman Catholic Church
- Anglican churches
- Protestant denominations of Continental origin and related bodies
- Presbyterian churches, Reformed churches centered in America, Congregational churches, Puritanism
- Baptist, Restoration movement, Adventist churches
- Methodist churches; churches related to Methodism
- Other denominations and sects
- Other religions
- Religion
- Social sciences
- Social sciences
- Collections of general statistics
- Political science (Politics and government)
- Economics
- Law
- Public administration and military science
- Public administration and military science
- Public administration
- General considerations of public administration
- Specific fields of public administration
- Public administration of economy and environment
- Military science
- Foot forces and warfare
- Mounted forces and warfare
- Air and other specialized forces and warfare; engineering and related services
- Sea forces and warfare
- Social problems and services; associations
- Education
- Commerce, communications, transportation
- Customs, etiquette, folklore
- Language
- Language
- Linguistics
- Linguistics
- Writing systems of standard forms of languages
- Etymology of standard forms of languages
- Dictionaries of standard forms of languages
- Phonology and phonetics of standard forms of languages
- Grammar of standard forms of languages
- Dialectology and historical linguistics
- Standard usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
- Sign languages
- English and Old English (Anglo-Saxon)
- English and Old English (Anglo-Saxon)
- Writing system, phonology, phonetics of standard English
- Etymology of standard English
- Dictionaries of standard English
- Grammar of standard English
- Historical and geographic variations, modern nongeographic variations of English
- Standard English usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
- Old English (Anglo-Saxon)
- German and related languages
- German and related languages
- Writing systems, phonology, phonetics of standard German
- Etymology of standard German
- Dictionaries of standard German
- Grammar of standard German
- Historical and geographic variations, modern nongeographic variations of German
- Standard German usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
- Other Germanic languages
- French and related Romance languages
- Writing systems, phonology, phonetics of standard French
- Etymology of standard French
- Dictionaries of standard French
- Grammar of standard French
- Historical and geographic variations, modern nongeographic variations of French
- Standard French usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
- Occitan, Catalan, Franco-Provençal
- Italian, Dalmatian, Romanian, Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican
- Italian, Dalmatian, Romanian, Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican
- Writing systems, phonology, phonetics of standard Italian
- Etymology of standard Italian
- Dictionaries of standard Italian
- Grammar of standard Italian
- Historical and geographic variations, modern nongeographic variations of Italian
- Standard Italian usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
- Romanian, Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican
- Spanish, Portuguese, Galician
- Spanish, Portuguese, Galician
- Writing systems, phonology, phonetics of standard Spanish
- Etymology of standard Spanish
- Dictionaries of standard Spanish
- Grammar of standard Spanish
- Historical and geographic variations, modern nongeographic variations of Spanish
- Standard Spanish usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
- Portuguese
- Latin and related Italic languages
- Classical Greek and related Hellenic languages
- Classical Greek and related Hellenic languages
- Writing systems, phonology, phonetics of classical Greek
- Etymology of classical Greek
- Dictionaries of classical Greek
- Grammar of classical Greek
- Preclassical and postclassical Greek
- Classical Greek usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
- Other Hellenic languages
- Other languages
- Other languages
- East Indo-European and Celtic languages
- Afro-Asiatic languages
- Non-Semitic Afro-Asiatic languages
- Altaic, Uralic, Hyperborean, Dravidian languages, miscellaneous languages of south Asia
- Languages of east and southeast Asia
- African languages
- North American native languages
- South American native languages
- Non-Austronesian languages of Oceania, Austronesian languages, miscellaneous languages
- Natural sciences and mathematics
- Natural sciences and mathematics
- Mathematics
- Astronomy and allied sciences
- Physics
- Chemistry and allied sciences
- Earth sciences
- Earth sciences
- Geology, hydrology, meteorology
- Petrology
- Economic geology
- Earth sciences of Europe
- Earth sciences of Asia
- Earth sciences of Africa
- Earth sciences of North America
- Earth sciences of South America
- Earth sciences of Australasia, Pacific Ocean islands, Atlantic Ocean islands, Arctic islands, Antarctica, extraterrestrial worlds
- Paleontology
- Biology
- Biology
- Physiology and related subjects
- Biochemistry
- Specific physiological systems in animals, regional histology and physiology in animals
- Specific parts of and physiological systems in plants
- Genetics and evolution
- Ecology
- Natural history of organisms and related subjects
- Natural history of microorganisms, fungi, algae
- Plants
- Animals
- Technology (Applied sciences)
- Technology (Applied sciences)
- Medicine and health
- Medicine and health
- Human anatomy, cytology, histology
- Human physiology
- Personal health and safety
- Forensic medicine; incidence of injuries, wounds, disease; public preventive medicine
- Pharmacology and therapeutics
- Diseases
- Surgery & related medical specialties
- Gynecology, obstetrics, pediatrics & geriatrics
- Engineering and allied operations
- Agriculture and related technologies
- Home and family management
- Management and auxiliary services
- Chemical engineering and related technologies
- Chemical engineering and related technologies
- Technology of industrial chemicals
- Technology of explosives, fuels, related products
- Beverage technology
- Food technology
- Technology of industrial oils, fats, waxes, gases
- Ceramic and allied technologies
- Cleaning, color, coating, related technologies
- Technology of other organic products
- Metallurgy
- Manufacturing
- Manufacture of products for specific uses
- Manufacture of products for specific uses
- Precision instruments and other devices
- Small forge work (Blacksmithing)
- Hardware and household appliances
- Furnishings and home workshops
- Leather and fur goods, and related products
- Printing and related activities
- Clothing and accessories
- Other final products, and packaging technology
- Construction of buildings
- The arts
- The arts
- The arts
- Philosophy and theory of fine and decorative arts
- Miscellany of fine and decorative arts
- Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances of fine and decorative arts
- Special topics in fine and decorative arts
- Serial publications of fine and decorative arts
- Organizations and management of fine and decorative arts
- Education, research, related topics of fine and decorative arts
- Galleries, museums, private collections of fine and decorative arts
- History, geographic treatment, biography
- Area planning and landscape architecture
- Area planning and landscape architecture
- Area planning (Civic art)
- Landscape architecture (Landscape design)
- Landscape architecture of trafficways
- Water features in landscape architecture
- Woody plants in landscape architecture
- Herbaceous plants in landscape architecture
- Structures in landscape architecture
- Landscape design of cemeteries
- Natural landscapes
- Architecture
- Architecture
- Architectural materials and structural elements
- Architecture from earliest times to ca. 300
- Architecture from ca. 300 to 1399
- Architecture from 1400
- Public structures
- Buildings for religious and related purposes
- Buildings for educational and research purposes
- Residential and related buildings
- Design and decoration of structures and accessories
- Sculpture and related arts
- Sculpture and related arts
- Processes, forms, subjects of sculpture
- Sculpture from earliest times to ca. 500, sculpture of nonliterate peoples
- Greek, Etruscan, Roman sculpture
- Sculpture form ca. 500 to 1399
- Sculpture from 1400
- Carving and carvings
- Numismatics and sigillography
- Ceramic arts
- Art metalwork
- Graphic and decorative arts
- Painting and paintings
- Printmaking and prints
- Photography, computer art, cinematography, videography
- Photography, computer art, cinematography, videography
- Techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials
- Metallic salt processes
- Pigment processes of printing
- Holography
- Computer art (Digital art)
- Cinematography and videography
- Specific fields and special kinds of photography
- Photographic images
- Music
- Music
- General principles and musical forms
- Vocal music
- Music for single voices
- Instruments and instrumental ensembles and their music
- Ensembles with only one instrument per part
- Keyboard, mechanical, electrophonic, percussion instruments
- Stringed instruments (Chordophones)
- Wind instruments (Aerophones)
- (Composers and traditions of music)
- Recreational and performing arts
- The arts
- Literature (Belles-lettres) and rhetoric
- Literature (Belles-lettres) and rhetoric
- Literature (Belles-lettres) and rhetoric
- Philosophy and theory
- Miscellany
- Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances
- Serial publications
- Organizations and management
- Education, research, related topics
- Rhetoric and collections of literary texts from more than two literatures
- History, description, critical appraisal of more than two literatures
- American literature in English
- American literature in English
- American poetry in English
- American drama in English
- American fiction in English
- American essays in English
- American speeches in English
- American letters in English
- American humor and satire in English
- American miscellaneous writings in English
- (American literatures in English not requiring local emphasis)
- English and Old English (Anglo-Saxon) literatures
- German literature and literatures of related languages
- French literature and literatures of related Romance languages
- Literatures of Italian, Dalmatian, Romanian, Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican languages
- Literatures of Spanish, Portuguese, Galician languages
- Latin literature and literatures of related Italic languages
- Classical Greek literature and literatures of related Hellenic languages
- Classical Greek literature and literatures of related Hellenic languages
- Classical Greek poetry
- Classical Greek dramatic poetry and drama
- Classical Greek epic poetry and fiction
- Classical Greek lyric poetry
- Classical Greek speeches
- Classical Greek letters
- Classical Greek humor and satire
- Classical Greek miscellaneous writings
- Modern Greek literature
- Literatures of other specific languages and language families
- Literatures of other specific languages and language families
- East Indo-European and Celtic literatures
- Afro-Asiatic literatures
- Non-Semitic Afro-Asiatic literatures
- Literatures of Altaic, Uralic, Hyperborean, Dravidian languages; literatures of miscellaneous languages of south Asia
- Literatures of East and Southeast Asia
- African literatures
- Literatures of North American native languages
- Literatures of South American native languages
- Literatures of non-Austronesian languages of Oceania, of Austronesian languages, of miscellaneous languages
- Literature (Belles-lettres) and rhetoric
- History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines
- History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines
- History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines
- Philosophy and theory of history
- Miscellany of history
- Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances of history
- Collected accounts of events
- Serial publications of history
- Organizations and management of history
- Education, research, related topics of history
- History with respect to groups of people
- World history
- Geography and travel
- Geography and travel
- Historical geography
- Graphic representations of surface of earth and of extraterrestrial worlds
- Geography of and travel in ancient world
- Geography of and travel in Europe
- Geography of and travel in Asia
- Geography of and travel in Africa
- Geography of and travel in North America
- Geography of and travel in South America
- Geography of and travel in Australasia, Pacific Ocean islands, Atlantic Ocean islands, Arctic islands, Antarctica and on extraterrestrial worlds
- Biography, genealogy, insignia
- Biography, genealogy, insignia
- (Philosophers and psychologists)
- (Religious leaders, thinkers, workers)
- (People in social sciences)
- (Philologists and lexicographers)
- (Scientists)
- (People in technology)
- (People in the arts and recreation)
- (People in literature, history, biography, genealogy)
- (Genealogy, names, insignia)
- History of ancient world to ca. 499
- History of Europe
- History of Asia
- History of Africa
- History of Africa
- Tunisia and Libya
- Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan
- Ethiopia and Eritrea
- Morocco, Ceuta, Melilla, Western Sahara, Canary Islands
- Algeria
- West Africa and offshore islands
- Central Africa and offshore islands
- Republic of South Africa and neighboring southern African countries
- South Indian Ocean islands
- History of North America
- History of North America
- Canada
- Mexico, Central America, West Indies, Bermuda
- United States
- Northeastern United States (New England and Middle Atlantic states)
- Southeastern United States (South Atlantic states)
- South central United States
- North central United States
- Western United States
- Great Basin and Pacific Slope region of United States
- History of South America
- History of Australasia, Pacific Ocean islands, Atlantic Ocean islands, Arctic islands, Antarctica, extraterrestrial worlds
- History of Australasia, Pacific Ocean islands, Atlantic Ocean islands, Arctic islands, Antarctica, extraterrestrial worlds
- New Zealand
- Australia
- New Guinea and neighboring countries of Melanesia
- Polynesia and other Pacific Ocean islands
- Atlantic Ocean islands
- Arctic islands and Antarctica
- Extraterrestrial worlds
- History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines
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