도서관계 지료실


1. 범위           2006. 9. 1 ~ 2006. 9. 30 국립중앙도서관 문헌정보학자료실 또는
                    연속간행물실에 입수된 연속간행물의 논문(소식, 서평 등은 제외) 목차이다. 

2. 기술방법     간행물명, ISSN(국제표준연속간행물번호), 권호수, 발간년월을 적었다.
                    각 간행물별로 논문의 ‘표제 / 저자 .....면수'를 적었다.
                    동양서에 사용된 간체자(簡體字)는 번체자(繁體字)를 사용 하였다.

3. 배열           서양서는 어순(語順), 동양서는 자순(字順) 배열을 기본으로 하여,
                    간행물명의 알파벳문자 → カナ문자 → 한글(한자의 우리음 포함)순으로 하여,
                    같은 간행물은 권호수 순으로 하였다.
                    * 게재된 논문의 본문(本文)은 문헌정보학실에서 열람할 수 있다.



Aslib Proceedings: New Information Perspectives (ISSN 0001-253X) 58(1/2) 2006

● Towards 100 years of educating the information professions at UCL SLAIS / Andy Dawson, David Brown 
● Developing a new academic discipline: UCL's contribution to the research and teaching of archives and
    records management / Elizabeth Shepherd   
● The study of books / Mirjam M. Foot
● The development of description in cataloguing prior to ISBD / J.H. Bowman 



Aslib Proceedings: New Information Perspectives(ISSN 0001-253X) 58(3) 2006 

● Experiments to identify the causes of spam / Tanzila Ahmed, Charles Oppenheim
● Changing workplace demands: what job ads tell us
     / Mary Anne Kennan, Fletcher Cole, Patricia Willard, Concepcion Wilson, Linda Marion
● Multi-document summarization of news articles using an event-based framework
     / Shiyan Ou, Christopher S.G. Khoo, Dion H. Goh
● Learning from a free-access digital information kiosk in Africa: An objectivist - constructivist investigation
     / Johannes C. Cronje, Dirk Burger
● Evaluation of web sites for B2C e-commerce / Charles Oppenheim, Louise Ward
● A content analysis of literature regarding knowledge management opportunities for librarians
     / Hazel van Rooi, Retha Snyman 



Aslib Proceedings: New Information Perspectives(ISSN 0001-253X) 58(4) 2006 

● Defining the digital divide: the role of e-readiness indicators / Brendan Luyt  
● Dipping their big toe into the blogosphere: the use of weblogs by the political parties in the 2005 general election
     / Nigel Jackson
● Seen and heard: duality at the access points to television databases
     / Jorge Caldera-Serrano, Felipe Zapico-Alonso
● Moral rights and information content in published works / Tamara Eisenschitz
● Using ICT with people with special education needs: what the literature tells us
     / Peter Williams, Hamid R. Jamali and David Nicholas
● Digital libraries: to meet or manage user expectations / David Bawden, Polona Vilar 



 An International Journal(ISSN 0306-4573) 42(5) September 2006 

● Nicholas J. Belkin / Rutgers University, New Jersey
● W Bruce Croft / University of Massachusetts, Amherst
● C.J. van Rijsbergen / University of Glasgow
● B.J. Jansen / The Pennsylvania State University



 Interlending & Document Supply(ISSN 0264-1615) 34(2) 2006

● Electronic journals: are they really used? / David Nicholas, Paul Huntington
● Sharing resources in Finnish university libraries: reorganising the national document supply system
     / Ari Muhonen, Annu Jauhiainen, Pentti Vattulainen
● The Norwegian "Bibliotek" database in a Nordic ILDS perspective / Arne Gauslå
● User-initiated resource sharing in Hong Kong universities: planning to reality with HKALL
     / Peter Sidorko, Ruth Wong, Alice Tai and Eva Wong
● Grey literature at The British Library: revealing a hidden resource / Samantha Tillett, Elizabeth Newbold
● Developments in South African document supply: the experience of the University of the Witwatersrand
     / Janet Teresa Zambri
● Informing interlibrary networking and document supply in the English National Health Service: a comparison
    of models from five countries and a Caribbean network / Pam White, Cheryl Twomey
● Interlending and document supply: a review of the recent literature - 55 / Mike McGrath 



 Journal of Documentation(ISSN 0022-0418) 62(1) 2006

● Structure and function in retrieval languages / B.C. Vickery
● Structure and function in retrieval / Alan Gilchrist
● Journal citation identity and journal citation image: a portrait of the Journal of Documentation
     / Ellen Nebelong-Bonnevie, Tove Faber Frandsen
● Diffusion factors / Tove Faber Frandsen, Ronald Rousseau and Ian Rowlands
● The information environment of women in Nigeria'a public service / Iyabo Mabawonku 



 Journal of Documentation(ISSN 0022-0418) 62(2) 2006

● Towards an evolutionary perspective for human information behavior: An exploratory study
     / Amanda Spink, James Currier
● Building "civilisational competence": a new role for libraries? / Nadia Caidi
● The public sphere and discursive activities: information literacy as sociopolitical skills / Jack Andersen
● Constructing and maintaining knowledge organization tools: a symbolic approach / Fedelia Ibekwe-SanJuan
● Where is the wisdom that we have lost in knowledge? / Jennifer Rowley 



 Journal of Documentation(ISSN 0022-0418) 62(3) 2006

● Optimising metadata to make high-value content more accessible to Google users / Alan Dawson, Val Hamilton
● An evaluation of conflation accuracy using finite-state transducers / Carmen Galvez, Felix de Moya-Anegon
● Automated subject classification of textual web documents / Koraljka Golub
● A study on automatic creation of a comparable document collection in cross-language information retrieval
     / Tuomas Talvensaari, Jorma Laurikkala, Kalervo Jarvelin and Martti Juhola   



 Journal of Documentation(ISSN 0022-0418) 62(4) 2006

● A genre analysis of scientific abstracts / Cate Cross, Charles Oppenheim
● Redefining information science: from "information science" to "knowledge science"/ Chaim Zins
● William Stetson Merrill and bricolage for information studies / Anita S. Coleman
● What deep log analysis tells us about the impact of big deals: case study OhioLINK
     / David Nicholas, Paul Huntington, Hamid R. Jamali and Carol Tenopir
● Query expansion via conceptual distance in thesaurus indexed collections
     / Douglas Tudhope, Ceri Binding, Dorothee Blocks and Daniel Cunliffe 



 Library Administration & Management(ISSN 0888-4463) 20(3) Summer 2006

● Change Masters All-A Series on Librarians Who Steered a Clear Course toward the Twenty-first Century:
    An Interview with Hannelore B. Rader / Cheryl McCain
● Library Administrators, Leadership, and the Building Expansion Process: An Architect's Point of View
     / Michael Esmay
● Inspired Hiring: Tools for Success in Interviewing and Hiring Library Staff / Richard McKay
● Planning and Executing an Annual Library Lecture / Irene M. H. Herold
● Meetings: The Bane of the Workplace: It Doesn? Have To Be So / Robert F. Moran, Jr.
● Staff + Committees = Added Value / Elinor Folger Foster



 Library Resources & Technical Services(ISSN 0024-2527) 50(1) January 2006

● The Future of Cataloging / Deanna Marcum
● Utilizing the FRBR Framework in Designing User-Focused Digital Content and Access System
     / Olivia M. A. Madison
● Serials: Review of the Literature 2000~2003 / Lauren E. Corbett
● Beoming an Authority on Authority Control: An Annotated Bibliography of Resources / Robert E. Wolverton Jr.
● Evidence of Application of the DCRB Core Standard in WorldCat and RLIN / M. Winslow Lundy
● Use of General Preservation Assessments: Outputs / Karen E. K. Brown 



 Library Resources & Technical Services(ISSN 0024-2527) 50(3) July 2006

● Exploring the Potential of a Virtual Undergraduate Library Collection Based on the Hierarchical Interface to
    LC Classification / Adam Chandler, Jim LeBlanc
● NACO Normalization: A Detailed Examination of the Authority File Comparison Rules
     / Thomas B. Hickey, Jenny Toves, Edward T. O'Neill
● ARL library Catalog Department Web Sites: An Evaluative Study
     / Kavita Mundle, Harvey Huie, and Nirmala S. Bangalore
● Cataloging and Digitizing Ephemera: One Team's Experience with Pennsylvania German Broadsides and Fraktur
     / Ann Copeland, Susan Hamburger, John Hamilton, and Kenneth J. Robinson
● The Condition of Our "Hidden" Rare Book Collections: A Conservation Survey at the University of Illinois at
     Urbana-Champaign / Jennifer Hain Teper and Sarah M. Erekson 



 New Library World(ISSN 0307-4803) 107(1224/1225) 2006

● The basis for evidence-based practice: evaluating the research evidence / Laurel Anne Clyde
● Assessing library performance with GIS and building evaluation methods
     / Wolfgang F.E. Preiser, Xinhao Wang
● Employability skills: are UK LIM departments meeting employment needs? The results of a survey of
    employment agencies identifies gaps in UK LIM curricula in the UK / Derek Stephens, Yvonne Hamblin 



 New Library World(ISSN 0307-4803) 107(1226/1227) 2006

● The public library and students' information needs / Niels Ole Pors
● Information literacy and action research: An overview and some reflections / Monica Vezzosi
● Crossing a bridge: The challenges of developing and delivering a pilot information literacy course for
    international students / Tina Hurley, Nora Hegarty, Jennifer Bolger
● A study of the information infrastructure of a Transylvanian village
     / Mary Ann Littrell, James M. Nyce, Jeanie Straub, Mindy Whipple 



 Public Libraries(ISSN 0163-5506) 45(3) May/June 2006

● Barefoot in Columbus: The Legacy of Kreimer and the Legality of Public Library Access Policies Concerning
    Appearance and Hygiene / James Kelly
● The Accidental Supervisor / Rat Tunstall
● Ill Winds: Hurricanes and Public Libraries along the Gulf Coast / Mary Cosper Leboeuf 



 Public Libraries(ISSN 0163-5506) 45(4) July/August 2006

● American Legion Posts: A Source of Local History for Public Libraries / Richard Baranowski
● A Partnership Plan That Can Work for Any Library, Any Community / Peggy L. Barry
● Relation between Librarians and Romance Readers: A Missouri Survey
     / Denice Adkins, Linda Esser and Diane Velaquez 



 Journal of East ASIAN Libraries(ISSN 1087-5093) 139 June 2006

● The National Library of China in Prospect / Zhan Furui
● Beyond Technology / Eugene Wu
● An Unstated Mission: Chinese Collections in Academic Libraries in the U. S. and their Services to Overseas
    Chinese / Yuan Zhou
● "Midway between the Occident and the Orient" The Glenn W. Shaw Collection at the Asia Collection, University
     of Hawaii, Manoa / Caitlin Nelson
● Tibetan and Mongolian Collections at the Library of Congress / Susan Meinheit
● McGill-Harvard-Yenching Library Joint Digitization Project: Ming-Qing Women's Writings / Meiqing Macy Zheng
● Collection Evaluation of Chinese History Resources on the Ming and Qing Dynasties at the East Asian Collection,
    University of Wisconsin, Madsion / Victoria Chu and kefeng Qiu
● An Essay on the Expenditure Distribution in American East Asian Libraries / Fred Y. Ye
● Cataloging Outsourcing - Practice and Thinking / Amy Tsiang
● "Library as Place" Implementation of 5-S System / Maggie Liu
● Web-OPAC and Selected Databases: A Comparative Study of the Searching Effectiveness and Efficiency
     / Eugenie Ng, Patrick Lo, and Owen Tam 



 圖書館誌 (ISSN 0385-4000) 100(8) 2006

● 特集にあたって / 圖書館誌編集委員會
● 『これからの圖書館像』 がめざすむの / 藥袋秀樹
● 公立圖書館への指定管理者制度導入ㆍ最近の展開 / 山本宏義
● 情報敎育の現狀と學校圖書館の意義 / 金みどり
● 大學圖書館における貢獻ㆍ一般開放の況 / 加藤好郞
● 日圖協運と圖書館員の 「2007年問題」 / 前田章夫 



 情報管理 (ISSN 0021-7298) 49(1) April 2006

● 有力特許た引用された科學論文の計量書誌學的分析 / 富澤宏之 ; 林 隆之 ; 山下泰弘 ; 近藤正幸
● RSS(RDF Site Summary)を活用した新たな圖書館サ一ビスの展開 - OPAC2.0へ向けて一 / 林 賢紀 ; 宮坂和孝
● うイフサイエソス書とは / 金子周司
● 人類の知的財産としての情報マネジソト / 宗定 勇 



 情報管理 (ISSN 0021-7298) 49(2) MAY 2006

● J-STAGEの現狀と利用動向 / 和田光俊 ; 久保田壯一 ; 尾身朝子
● JSTリソクセソタ一の新機能 - Googleとの運携とJ-STAGEにおける論文の被引用關係表示
    / 久保田壯一 ;荒川紀子 ; 和田光埈 ; 近藤俗治 ; 小久保浩 ; 山崎 匠
● 學術雜誌の電子化はその流通と引用に影響をえるか? : J-STAGE登載誌の場合 / 藤枝宏 ; 小野侍夏生 



 情報管理 (ISSN 0021-7298) 49(3) June 2006

● 特許出願意思決定支援のための發明評價 / 加藤浩一郞 ; 石井和克 ; 須川成利
● 說圖書館におけるICタグの導入 - 戶市立圖書館におけゐ段階的導入 - / 長谷川雄彦
● J-STAGE投稿審査システムの現狀と課題 - 行誌への投稿審査システム導入のヒソト / 荒川紀子 ; 和田光俊 ; 時象一 



 情報管理 (ISSN 0021-7298) 49(4) July 2006

● 音聲認識システムを活用した議錄作成一北海道錄におけゐ實例一 / 山崎喜
● 國內の大予稿集ㆍ抄錄集ㆍ報告集資料の分析 一醫學ㆍ藥學分野を中心に一 / 時實象一
● 新しい科學技術文獻檢索システム 「JDreamⅡ」 の技術解說 (Ⅰ) / 申田 彰 ; 平尾泰德 ; 山田 篤 ; 森田歌子 



 情報管理 (ISSN 0021-7298) 49(5) August 2006

● 企業におけゐ個人情報保護對策の實際 / 佐藤慶浩
● 圖書館の 「いま」 をどのように傳えるか 一國立國會圖書館の 「Current Awareness Portal」 の試み
     / 上田貴雪 ; 村上浩介 ; 筑木一郞
● 日本海洋デ一タセンタ一における國際的な海洋デ一タの收集と提供 / 岡野博文 ; 谷 幸男 ; 向仲英司 ; 丸山章子 ; 今木 滋
● 電通情報センタ一~現場の情報課題へ徹底した情報提供を追及~ / 今中陽子
● 新しい科學技術文獻檢索システム 「JDreamⅡ」 の技術解說 (Ⅱ) / 申田 彰 ; 平尾泰德 ; 山田 篤 ; 森田歌子



現代の圖書館 (ISSN 0016-6332) 44(2) June 2006

● 特集にあたつて / 永和之
● 圖書館とオ-プンソ-スㆍソフトクェア / 原田史, 江正己
● 大學圖書館員の能力開發とオ-プン化 / 大
● マスデジタイゼ-ションプロジェクトと圖書館 - Google, OCA, MSN, EU デジタル圖書館 / 尊紘
● クリェイティブㆍコモンズがめざす著作物の自由な流通と共有 / 上

학술지 《도서관》 원고 모집

국립중앙도서관은 문헌정보학의 이론정립을 도서관계 발전에 기여하기 위하여 학술지 《도서관》을 발간하고 있습니다.
2006년 하반기(12월 발행)에 개재할 논문을 다음과 같이 모집하오니, 여러분의 많은 관심과 참여를 부탁드립니다.

 ■ 논문성격 : 순수학술논문, 현장실무논문, 번역논문

■ 원고작성 : 영문초록, 본문, 참고문헌, 그림, 표, 부록

■  원고분량 : A4 20매 내외(신명조체, 글자 크기 11포인트, 줄간격 160)

■  원고마감 : 2006년 11월 말까지

■  보 낸 곳 : 국립중앙도서관 도서관정책과(서초구 반포동 산 60-1)
                      한인선(02-590-0779 / hanfly@mct.go.kr) / 팩스 02-590-0546