도서관계 지료실


1. 범위           2006. 5.  1 ~ 2006. 5. 31 국립중앙도서관 문헌정보학자료실 또는
                    연속간행물실에 입수된 연속간행물의 논문(소식, 서평 등은 제외) 목차이다. 

2. 기술방법     간행물명, ISSN(국제표준연속간행물번호), 권호수, 발간년월을 적었다.
                    각 간행물별로 논문의 ‘표제 / 저자 .....면수'를 적었다.
                    동양서에 사용된 간체자(簡體字)는 번체자(繁體字)를 사용 하였다.

3. 배열           서양서는 어순(語順), 동양서는 자순(字順) 배열을 기본으로 하여,
                    간행물명의 알파벳문자 → カナ문자 → 한글(한자의 우리음 포함)순으로 하여,
                    같은 간행물은 권호수 순으로 하였다.
                    * 게재된 논문의 본문(本文)은 문헌정보학실에서 열람할 수 있다.



 American Libraries(ISSN 0002-9769) 37(4) April 2006

Preserving the Past by Looking into the Future : With a little help, Carnegie libraries can successfully meld old
    and new / Joseph C. Rizzo
When Aesthetics Meet Access : Everything old is new again as New England's Carnegie libraries fase their
    centennials / Corinne H. Smith
Construction Funding 101 : The secret to a capital campaign is in how you ask for the money
     / Leslie Burger and Nicholas Garrison
Extreme Library Makeover: One Year Later : A splash of paint, a cooperative staff, and a few dollars make
    a world of difference for a New Jersey library / Joan E. Bernstein and Kathy Schalk-Greene
Pump Up Your Patrons : By emulating the best features of health clubs, libraries can ensure their future as
    a physical place for exercising the mind / Larry Wilt and Freeman A. Hrabowski III



 College & Research Libraries(ISSN 0010-0870) 67(2) March 2006

Google Scholar and the Library Web Site : The Early Response by ARL Libraries
     / Laura Bowering Mullen and Karen A. Hartman
Allocation of Costs for Electronic Products in Academic Library Consortia / Douglas Anderson
Technical Services Job Ads : Changes Since 1995 / JoAnne Deeken and Deborah Thomas
Usability Testing of a Customizable Library Web Portal / Steve Brantley, Annie Armstrong, and Krystal M. Lewis
Loosening the Ties that Bind : Academic Librarians and Tenure / Jeanie M. Welch and Frada L. Mozenter
Selected Reference Works, 2005 / Sarah Witte and Mary Cargill 



 Journal of Librarianship and Information Science(ISSN 0961-0006) 38(01) 2006

Editorial : Public libraries in England : A valuable public service or a service in distress? / Anne Goulding
Users and union catalogues / R.J.Hartley and Helen Booth
Library media implementation and student achievement / Lesley S.J. Farmer
The use of electronic information services and information literacy : A Glasgow Caledonian University study
     / John Crawford
Application of information and communication technology(ICT) in health information access and dissemination
    in Uganda / Walter Omona and Robert Ikoja-Odongo



 Library Administration & Management(ISSN 0888-4463) 20(01) Winter 2006

Fund-raising for Large Public University Libraries / Barbara I. Dewey
Community College Library Fund-raising / Julie Todaro
Libraries Are from Venus, Fund-raising Is from Mars Development at the Public Library
    / Peter D. Pearson with Stu Wilson



 Library Administration & Management(ISSN 0888-4463) 20(02) spring 2006

ChangeMasters All-A Series on Librarians Who Steered a Clear Course toward the Twenty-first Century An
    Interview with Maureen Sullivan / Sarah Robbins
Shaping a New Profession : The Role of Librarians When the Library and Computer Center Merge
    / Robert E. Renaud
CIOs and Academic Research Libraries : A Selected Review of the Literature / Carolyn A. Snyder
Suicide Prevention : Safeguarding the Future of the Professional Librarian / Bill Crowley
Working across Divisional Lines : How One Large University Library Cross-Trains and Works As a Whole
     / Antonia Olivas and Henry McCurley



 Libraries & Culture(ISSN 0894-8631) 41(1) 2006

Symmetrical Womanhood: Poetry in the Woman's Building Library / Angela Sorby
Publicizing Domestic Piety: The Cultural Work of Religious Texts in the Woman's Building Library
    / Candy Gunther Brown
African American Women's Writings in the Woman's Building Library / Amina Gautier
Uncle Tom's Cabin at the World's Columbian Exposition / Barbara Hochman
Illinois Women's Novels at the Woman's Building Library / Bernice E. Gallagher
Little Pilgrims's Progress: Literary Horizons for Children's Literature / Anne Lundin



 New Library World(ISSN 0307-4803) 107(1220/1221) 2006

The American public library and its fragile future / Ron E. Scrogham
Modelling the rural community library : characteristice of the Kitengesa Library in rural Uganda
     / Valeda Frances Dent
Children's experiences on the internet / Karen E. Soeters and Katinka van Schaik 



 PUBLIC LIBRARIES(ISSN 0163-5506) 44(6) 2006

Reorganizing Reference / Barbara Brattin
Collection Development and Shelf Space A Proposal for Nonfiction Collections / Tony Greiner
DIY in the Stacks A Study of Three Public Library Zine Collections / Colleen Hubbard
Reading America Program Fosters Intergenerational Understanding in Chinese Immigrant Families
     / Erin M. O'Toole 



 情報管理 (ISSN 0021-7298) 48(11) 2006

美國特許法改正案の槪要と解說 / 服部健一
イノベ一ツヨソ時代の學術情報流通ツステム / 太田暉人 ; 林和弘
國內科學技術系學會誌の投稿規定の分析 : 參照文獻の記述, 著作權を中心として(Ⅱ) / 藤田節子



情報管理 (ISSN 0021-7298) 48(12) 2006

引用デ一タによつて强化された學術情報デ一タベ一スをぃかた評價すゐか / ヤチヨ, ピ一タ一, 高木和子 ; 加藤多惠子:譯
中國たおける論文生産の大と日中共著關係 / 上野 泉 ; 山下泰弘 ; 富澤之 ; 近藤正幸
アヅアの電子圖書館硏究·開發の動向 / 長 隆 ; 神門典子