01296nam 2200301 k 4500001001500000008004100015035002000056040001300076043001200089049002100101052002300122086002200145245020900167260010500376300004800481500007700529500003700606500002000643500002000663500004200683504002700725650002000752651002400772710006900796740006400865740002400929963004100953WMF000101516 850131s1984 us ab b 001 eng  a(OCoLC)11644026 aGPOcGPO an-us-ut0 lAV0000109886fXA06aI 1.98bC 32/FINAL aI 1.98:C 32/FINAL00aDepartment of Interior final resource management plan environmental impact statement for the Cedar/Beaver/Garfield/Antimony planning area, Cedar City District, Utah/dprepared by Bureau of Land Management aCedar City, Utah:bU.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Cedar City District,c1984 a1 v. (various pagings):bill., maps;c28 cm aCover title: Cedar, Beaver, Garfield, Antimony resource management plan. aSpine title: CBGA RMP/EIS-final. aIncludes index. a"October 1984." aNine maps on folded leaves in pocket. aBibliography: p. RC.1. 0aLand usezUtah. 0aUtahxPublic lands. aUnited States.bBureau of Land Management.bCedar City District.0 aCedar, Beaver, Garfield, Antimony resource management plan.0 aCBGA RMP/EIS-final. aLandauseaUtahaUtahaPublicalands