01470njm a2200397 c 4500001001300000005001500013007001500028008004100043028001500084049003200099052002000131056001200151245007200163260004000235300006300275306001100338500002400349505032100373653002300694700004700717740001700764740002000781740002000801740001800821740001900839740002100858740002300879740001500902740002000917740003200937740002000969740002900989900002201018900002101040950001101061KMU20120073020230609100856sd fsngnnmuned120110s2011 ulkjzn eng 01aPCKD-002240 lAV1161771lAV1161772c2fSD01a673.535bN12-19 a673.53500aOnce I lovedh[녹음자료] :b2nd special gift album /dWoong San a[서울] :bPonycanyon Korea,c2011 a음반 1매 (약 59분) :b디지털, 스테레오,c12 cm a005926 a컴팩트 디스크00n1.tOnce I loved --n2.tAs time goes by --n3.tNever let me go --n4.tThe water is wide --n5.tNo moon at all --n6.tTeach me tonight --n7.tThe lady wants to know --n8.tThe man I love --n9.tShe's not there --n10.tYou don't know what love is --n11.tThe lady is a tramp --n12.tWhat the world needs now a재즈(Jazz)가요0 a웅산,g雄山,d1973-0KAC2017156684aut02aOnce I loved02aAs time goes by02aNever let me go02aWater is wide02aNo moon at all02aTeach me tonight02aLady wants to know02aMan I love02aShe's not there02aYou don't know what love is02aLady is a tramp02aWhat the world needs now10a김은영,d1973-00aWoongsan,d1973-0 b\16500